A DOE Watch Exclusive Report
The Science of Air Pharmacology. "Chemtrials Lite." How Global Warming is dominated by the Ozone Depletion.
The Science |
The Science of "Air Pharmacology" or "Chemtrails"
This is the simpler "Chemtrails-Lite" paper.
By: Jim Phelps
Copyright 2004, 2005
Click here for the Chemtrails in Depth Page.
In thinking of the simplest way to explain the how and why chemtrails work and exist this is presented.
The simplest way to explain it turns out to be to show how the discoveries for the process actually happened. The beginning of what would grow to become the science of chemtrails methods began with my interests in volcanoes.
Volcanoes are important because they setup the atmosphere’s baseline, as the volcanic emissions actually formed the atmosphere over the ages of this planet.
Volcano releases have all the acids and metals effects that involve the chemtrails issues. Volcanoes emit both acids and metal compounds that are hydroscopic and set up the factors that form clouds. One can observe the effects around many active volcanoes can support a desert on one side and a lush rain forest on the other side, due to the prevailing winds and these hygroscopic emissions causing increased rainfall.
I was on top of volcanoes in Hawaii when I began to notice these interesting effects and experiencing the acid emissions and such directly. Later, I was flying around these volcanoes in airplanes and noticed how they set up the island weather patterns. That began the concept of using plane emissions to do the same things.
A nice museum and many plaques tell the story of the slow release Hawaii volcanoes sitting in the middle of the Ring of Fire and the story of the most violent volcanoes like Krakatoa that sit on the rim of the Ring of Fire fault system. All this started the ball rolling.
So, the first ideas for chemtrails involved these simple associations for making clouds and rain to change the climate. Mother nature has long used volcanoes for setting up weather patterns and the idea of using jet plane emissions to do the same was a simple association.
The chemtrails "Generation 1" ideas for making clouds and setting up climate change pattern that were more beneficial came from the effects of these slow release volcanoes that long term modify weather local to their emissions. These are dominantly sulfur based emissions, with some chlorine, that dominate these weather generation effects.
The chemtrails "Generation 2" ideas for making clouds using jet planes used the idea of a volcanic detonation effect as seen in Krackatoa’s explosion around 540 AD or so. This volcano caused all kinds of global shielding of the Sun and caused huge amounts of rainfall all around the globe. It took weeks for the material that was injected high into the skies to stop the rainfall effects and still some of them lingered on for years afterwards.
Generation 2 chemtrails methods used injections of huge amounts of large particles of water to seed rain, as in the ocean volcano type effects.
The concept to take note of in terms of can it be done, is that mother nature has been doing this all along, man just jumped into the loop to modify some of the mother nature effects using the same methods employing global jet planes.
Maybe it will help those that are in search of the reasons for chemtrails to include this rather simple way in which they were discovered.
To get a good basic start in understanding chemtrails, one should look at the volcanic emissions effects on nature and weather. How the acids, metals, sulfur compounds, and water vapor change this weather pattern. One good way to look at the metal and acid compounds is to get hands on a book called "Hawley’s Condensed Chemical Dictionary." This book is essential toward understanding the Generation 1 chemtrail methods.
The next step in the direction toward the need for the chemtrails discovery came from a serious problem that I discovered from the Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion plants losses of UF-6 and hydrogen fluoride, HF. Oak Ridge was having elevated numbers of thyroid illnesses and other chronic illness problems that were tracked down to the high losses of HF.
The health problem were quickly found and the mechanism for them identified. When the problem with HF was spotted I was looking at how it was lighter than air and was going to be a problem in the upper atmosphere. It was not an easy problem to spot as HF is hygroscopic and tends to stay at the lower altitudes, and the key to the HF problem was the same one as the ozone hole problem, the UV effects. It turns out that when the HF is hit with UV radiation it makes a free fluorine atom, which will combine with the nitrogen in the air, as the air is 75% nitrogen. This formed a compound that was not hygroscopic and would inject into the upper atmosphere like the NOx type compounds.
When that was discovered, the principle problem that was driving global warming effects was also spotted. The NFx compounds only reacted with hydrocarbons in the atmosphere and produce lighter ones that would ride on top of the atmosphere and highly absorb IR radiation heat. This was what would drive the secretive need for the chemtrails process. Coal emissions from power plants were dumping lots of HF into the atmosphere and this was directly contributing to global warming.
Lots of people think the CO2 is the prime problem with global warming, but this is not the case. There is a much larger problem the US likes to conceal and it is the HF factor that dominates the GW effects. The case for CO-2 is distorted, as what is driving the higher levels of CO2 in the atmosphere is the UV damage to the ocean’s phytoplankton. This is the dominant or critical factor for the rise in CO2 in the atmosphere. So, to control CO-2 levels one goes for the ozone depletion chemicals first. And likewise, the HF problems of global warming are highly dominated by this UV effect. So, the US can kill two problems at once to go for the ozone depleter’s. This is why Freon was banned shortly after these discoveries in the mid-80s at ORNL.
In Oak Ridge, they were very familiar with how to trap HF in the air and the two main methods are alumina reactions or absorption into water "bubbler" tanks. So, the Generation 1 method of chemtrails used fine alumina, which as it fell in the atmosphere with acids made hygroscopic compounds that would induce rain. Thus, one method to lower the available HF in the atmosphere was seeding with metals to induce more frequent rains. The Generation 2 method was about adding more hydrogen to the jet fuel to make denser droplets that was form ice and seed rain from lower clouds. So, there were two principle ways to lower the atmospheric concentrations of HF using jet planes as the catalysts.
This is why the chemtrails science is so intimately connected to the Oak Ridge problems, their chemical processes, and their need to cover up these very serious problems. Chemtrails are an Oak Ridge discovery and invention, principally due to my interests and findings on HF problems connected to these poorly run DOE operations.
Normally one would expect that when the US Govt. finds something this helpful or important toward solving a serious problem like global warming they would be talking it up, but there is a reason they don’t. It is an unusual problem that many would not easily associate, but it is the prime information they seek to hide by not admitting to the HF problems, the use of chemtrails for HF removal, and climate modification.
It was noted that volcano emissions sciences kicked off the invention of chemtrails mechanisms. Volcanoes were used as some of the prime examples for climate modification. I looked up all the volcanoes and fault zones on the Earth and found some interesting associations. The first thing I found was that the largest volcano on the planet is Mt. Ararat in Turkey. Then a person named Ron Wyatt from Tennessee was speaking about the Red Sea Crossing in the news around 1985 and I noted the fault zones there and the words in the bible that sounds like a volcanic release.
So, I was checking and found the real Mt. Sinai that Ron Wyatt has proposed in Saudi Arabia was very plausible when one included the climate change effects from this active volcanic zone. One could well support a lot of people in the area, if the volcanic releases were making rainfall to grow things. This would be a property of the high sulfur compound releases from this volcano. Then another piece fell into place with the Mt. Ararat association with the Euphrates valley Garden of Eden, using the same type cause and effects. Then even the issues of the story of Noah’s Ark and the big rains could be explained by something like a huge volcanic detonation effect like in the case of Krakatoa.
The volcanic emissions effects supported the land bridge creation due to the heavy rains washing the sand into a shallow land bridge across the Gulf of Aqaba area where Ron Wyatt’s discoveries of markers indicated the crossing point was located. There was a range of volcanoes in this area with the underlying magma chamber systems that would support rise in elevations of the fault zone plates of this area, and the releases of many sulfur compounds to the air.
The Gulf of Aqaba land bridge being passable happened in conjunction with the tides and the underground pressures in these magma chamber systems to push up this area. The high pressure also blew hot flammable gases like H2S and others from natural gas of this oil rich region leaking into these chambers that would result in a huge release of flames from an up-thrust religion of Mt. Sinai. When the magma chamber deep underground was highly pressurized with the gas rich magma, it produced huge volumes of flammable gases that would be jetted high into the air over Mt. Sinai and cause the "Column of Fire," and the land bridge across the Red Sea. Mt. Sinai was a very special volcanic effect that happened due to the high sulfur magma of this volcanic chain and some likely natural gas system contributions. This burned the top of this mountain with intense heat periodically.
Those associations all made sense, the more we looked, and all the great minds of ORNL came to accept those as examples of climate change models involving volcanic effects. I had succeeded in writing an enhanced understanding of the bible narratives. On that day back in the mid-80s science literally met religion head on and helped to give better insight into how mother nature influences climate. It was just like the effects that I had observed around Hawaii volcanoes and others whose persistent emissions changed their local climate.
Now, one can see that these type associations begin to cause some serious problems for the world of religion that has been ignoring these effects. Things were not what had been advertised. The US saw extreme upsets for Israel that bases its existence on these religion factors, which were beginning to not support their claims.
The last thing one would expect would be that chemtrails and the chemtrails sciences are covered up in the Reagan days due to foreign policy more than anything else. And there are some factions that appear to have known these problems for a long time and not told others about it, which gets into some huge issues of fraud.
My common sense and easy to find discoveries became something the US valued, secretly implemented, but did not want the public to know about. It was something that would upset organized religion everywhere.
It is an unusual set of problems, mistakes, and outright lies that led to the need for the chemtrails solution, but it is one that is becoming public with all the people asking the right questions about all the lines in the skies over their heads. This is the sorted story of how they came to be there.
Those readers of this thread that thought the first three installments were interesting may find this one the most interesting of them all. As the ideas for chemtrails came into reality, there was a problem connected to raining out all the acids and metals onto the soils. The acids cause the liberation of toxic metals into the food and water chain, so some sort of compensation method had to be included. The volcanic atmosphere models are driven by sulfur compounds and sulfuric acid, and the coal burning releases are dominated by 75% hydrochloric acid releases, which would change the metastatic environmental metals profile to much more toxic metals. This effect plays a huge role in illness and disease.
Rising fluoine in the environment does several things. One is that it increases the rate of fluorine accumulation in the bone mass and this rising effect pulls the essential trace metals from the bloodstream and from cells that need them for enzyme processes. Fluorine is a key factor in the reduction of manganese in the cells of the body that set up the process for HIV infection and transmissions. The other factor is rising fluorine in the body makes G-protein like AlFx compounds that block the lymph node dedritic cell programming to protect against pathogen infections. Human illnesses and death literally track the bone concentration of fluorine and sets the pattern for all illnesses and death via this process. This effect with fluorine altering manganese levels of cells is the key to HIV. It was something learned in the times of Moses.
Again, some of the old volcanic effects came into play. In looking at the effects of the Mt. Sinai connected volcanic range around Midian, it was found the area had lots of gold mines. Then another association came into view on how these high sulfur basalt volcanic flows tended to melt and concentrate gold. Gold is very non-reactive and just tends to melt and collect in low places in these flow releases. This became one of the big issues of how the "Throne of David" came into so much gold to build their gold lined temple for god.
This effect also lead to looking at how the sulfur releases precipitated metals out of the air releases and how the gold would tend to not react and fall out of the plume. We began to associate these effects to the Israelites collecting something they called "Manna" off the plants in the downwind plume of the volcano releases. These were essentially metals. And these metals, consumed, would combat the toxic effects of HF.
This began a look for a non-toxic metal, as gold was far too expensive to use. A metal that could be used to dust the landscape cheaply to protect animals from the toxic effects of chemtrails raining down poison acids like HF and the liberation of the toxic metals via the acids. Titanium showed up quickly as being very non-toxic in dental studies and being extremely plentiful and cheap. So, titanium became one of those metals used for dusting large areas to combat the toxic effects of HF. Titanium complexed with fluorine was harmless, while fluorine complexed with aluminum shut down the immune system.
Noticing these volcano effects of a very non reactive metal that was the major point of the Manna effect used by the Israelites was another large clue that was one that essentially set up the idea of using titanium. The titanium idea for humans involved putting the material in foods as a colorant and into many different foods and medicines. This would increase the titanium levels in the population and became a crude mimic for the gold manna techniques that were discovered from the volcano effects from biblical times.
These gold medicinal effects appear to have been explored more deeply when the Israelites were captured and taken to Baghdad to live. Here batteries were invented in the times long before Christ. Batteries are the secret for making colloidal metals and colloidal gold, which is one of the better manna related production methods. It appears those of the temple gave up this secret of their volcano work, and how it protected immune health and cognitive brain function. It was refined to a new level, without the volcano heat being needed for the task.
The titanium method also pulled the NOx compounds from the air, when distributed by dusting. Military planes do these type dustings on the areas with the highest air traffic and coal releases. The effect is designed to keep down the "scrappie" and prion related illnesses in grazing animals. The dangerous prion formation begin in the lymph nodes from the effects of fluorine and metal toxic effects. Oddly enough, this seems the same effect that Noah wanted to protect animals from in the times of the great flood that was connected to a huge volcanic detonation.
So, one more bit of information from the bible narratives began to make more sense in the light of modern science. The key to understanding the fluoride-metal complex danger lies in how some of the fluoride-metal compounds can affect cell G-protein sites. It is similar to how aluminum is used in vaccines as an adjuvant to make the immune system dendritic cells remember the vaccines pathogen longer. In the case of this happen naturally, it locks up the immune system so that it can’t respond to new stimulus. The effect was even associated to women’s breast cancer via the aluminum present in many deodorants. Newer deodorants don’t use the aluminum and actually use a chelation agent called EDTA to help remove aluminum from the skin and body.
The rising levels of fluorine in the environment contribute to the more rapid build up of bone fluorine concentration, and with that comes serious alterations of the beneficial trace metals needed for cell enzyme functions. The bone build up of fluorine concentration literally predicts all illness and death curves due to that trace metal factor of fluorine. It is the very same way that fluoride pesticides kill bugs by trace metal metabolism alteration, just more slowly with lower doses. This is an effect that the Chiropractors around Oak Ridge were close to discovering and one of the largest secrets that the AMA based medicine practices don’t want the public to discover. All the money from death and illness comes principally from this highly dominate, but simple effect of fluorine toward trace metals in the human body.
Chemtrails science leads into a very sinister world as it exposes problems with both how governments have been run and the platform for religion. Chemtrails science literally leads to exposing a multi-headed hydra like beast of Revelations prophecies. I tend to call the origin of this problem as the "Demon-Seed" and its intention is to support the "Anti-Christ."
Once one follows the details that led to the invention of chemtrails sciences one can spot some interesting holes in religion’s claims. It is these holes that reveal some of the reasons for the secret societies like the "Skull and Bones" club a Yale University and the Masons, who literally laid the foundations for the US. These are the basis for corrupt organizations in the US that control the US Govt. and the Congress itself in many cases.
If one studies these factors deeply one finds there has been a long standing corrupt organization that many like to call the "Shadow Government" that highly usurps the power of the citizens of the US to run their country. It is this group to which Oak Ridge went to get the chemtrails projects silently implemented.
This part takes some times to explain and is covered in great detail on the main chemtrails page. For those that have been oriented here and want to know more please go here: CHEMTRAILS IN DEPTH REVIEW.
The Ron Wyatt story:
Note: Recent studies show the dominance of phytoplankton of the oceans in global oxygen supply and similarly in CO2 conversion. Areas around the poles are more heavily affect by the UV damage to this very important and dominant CO2 conversion factor.
Measuring Phytoplankton
To Know It for the First Time – Place, Environment and Ecology
Phytoplankton — microscopic plant forms floating in the oceans — are the
closest thing on the planet to the underlying fuel for life. Phytoplankton are
at the base of the marine food chain, and produce around half of the oxygen in
our atmosphere. We know that they bloom and are consumed quickly;
phytoplankton have an annual production comparable to all terrestrial plants on Earth. Up until now, however, nobody had figured out a way to determine precise
phytoplankton growth rates.
Researchers at UC Santa Barbara and NASA have done just that, using satellite
observations of phytoplankton color.
The new approach is based on the premise that the "greenness" in
phytoplankton, its level of pigmentation per cell, is a reflection of its growth rate,
said David Siegel, professor of geography and director of the Institute for
Computational Earth System Science at UCSB. The researchers have discovered a
means, by satellite, to measure the biomass of phytoplankton from ocean
light-scattering properties, and to infer growth rates from simultaneous measurements of
the greenness of the individual phytoplankton cells.
It’s hard to overestimate the importance of phytoplankton in the global
ecosystem — or how tricky it is to get a handle on measuring their production.
They produce about 50-65 billion tons of organic matter each year, and in the
process absorb carbon dioxide and pour oxygen into the atmosphere.
Their abundance dictates the location and health of most marine fisheries.
They play a critical role in marine water quality issues, can help regulate
climate, and their productivity is in turn affected by climate. The very basis of
sustainable ecological systems is almost impossible to understand without a
good grasp of phytoplankton productivity, and its implications for global
climate change, according to the scientists.
[…] [Phytoplankton] production can be enormous, and highly variable.
Phytoplankton biomass can double in as little as one day, and it’s routine for the
entire mass of phytoplankton in an area to either be consumed by other life
forms or die and sink to the ocean bottom in less than a week.
The next step will be getting satellites up to undertake the measurement.
Current ocean observing satellites, like Aqua (part of NASA’s Earth Observing
System satellite program), focus on chlorophyll concentrations as a proxy for
phytoplankton (the image accompanying this post is a NASA map of chlorophyll
concentrations from July 1, 2002 through December 31, 2004). The UCSB/NASA team is
now working on a satellite module to do just that — ORCA, or Ocean
Radiometer for Carbon Assessment.
(Via Biology News)